Sunday, March 25, 2012


WOLF62212 SHE CAME UP TO ME AND ASKED are you in a clan? and i'm like yes she's like get out of appondale it's midnight clan territory and i'm like too bad so she just started fighting me and i'm like -TOO BAD- then she said get out of my territory and im like "NO I DONT HAVE TO!" and shes like -BITES CHEST INJURES SEVERELY- then she growled and walked away and in my head i'm like FINALLY  then she was talking to her friend friend:"Sorry I had to get dressed" WOLF:"YOUR FINE" friend:"What happend back there?" wolf "SHE MESSED WITH OUR CLAN WICH SHE SHOULD NEVER DO" friend: "Ik. what did she do?" wolf:"she was in a diffrent clan" friend:"If i was a warrior i would have beat her up!" friend:"Which one do you know?" then i talked to them and then friend said:"Hey frozen lilly wanna be in our clan?" frozen lilly:"sure" then i was talking with wolf and she said "I'm leader of midnight clan and i can banish u" and i'm like:" ahiru123 is the friend's name.KK i just went into temple of zios hopefully tht'll never happen AGAIN LIKE FOR EVA!

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